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Prawn, Lemongrass & Chilli Butter

Makes: 500g

Prep Time: 20 Mins

Cook time: 10 Mins

Things you need:


  • 250g Prawn Shells

  • 500g Unsalted butter

  • 15g Ginger sliced

  • 5 Garlic cloves

  • 1 Tsp (4g) Thai Red Chilli chopped or puree

  • 50g Lemongrass stalks bruised and chopped

  • 1 Star Anise


  • Saute all ingredients except prawn shells and chilli in 2 tbsp of butter for 5-6 mins in a deep pan

  • Then add chilli. Saute for 1 min (be careful it will go up your nose)

  • Then add Prawn shells and saute for a few mins. Then add butter in 2 halves depending on the size of your pan.

  • Once the butter has melted bring it up to the boil and then turn the heat down and simmer for 10 mins. Let it rest for a few mins and then strain it off through a muslin lined sieve into a clean sterilized container.


  • Play around with different types of spices.

  • The butter freezes well.


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