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Potato Pave

Makes: 20 portions, depending on size of baking dish used.

Prep Time: 45 mins

Cook time: 2 Hrs

Things you need:


  • 1.2kg - 1.8 Kg Maris Piper potatoes, very thinly sliced

  • 300ml Whipping Cream

  • 3 Garlic Cloves crushed

  • Selection of Herbs. Your choice. I used Sage, Rosemary, Thyme, Tarragon

  • Good seasoning of salt and pepper to taste


  • Add herbs, garlic, salt to the cream. Bring up to a boil then turn off the heat and let this infuse for 30 mins then strain into a bowl.

  • The volume of potatoes you will need will depend on the size of your baking dish. The bigger it is the more you will need. That’s why I’ve used a range between 1.2kg -1.8kg.

  • Peel the potatoes and keep in a bowl of water and then thinly slice them on a mandolin. You want to put them straight into your infused cream, as this stops them from discolouring.

  • Butter your baking dish and line it with parchment paper as per video instructions. Make sure you keep a flap of at least 5 inches on the sides.

  • Layer the potatoes according to the video instructions. Make sure they are placed in flat and even, overlapping as you go. Add a tablespoon of your infused cream over each layer as you go.

  • Push the pave down half way through layering to make sure it’s all flat. When you get to the final layer add a little butter. Fold over the sides of the parchment paper. Put another dish on top gently push it all down. Keep this on top as you bake it, as per the video.

  • Bake at 325 F for 2 hours. Test to make sure it’s cooked after 2 hrs with a cake tester as per the video.

  • Let this cool for 10 mins then place the other container back on the top and add something heavy. Cans of tomatoes, a dumbbell or even a brick (wrapped in foil) and press this overnight in the fridge.

  • The next day take it out of the baking dish as per the video and trim off the edges. (Save those to eat as snacks) and then portion it up. You’ don’t want it to thick. Pan fry in Tallow, Ghee, Oil as per the video. Season and serve. You can also get creative and try some of the toppings I did in the video.


  • These can be made and portioned and kept in your freezer until you need them. Wrap them carefully to prevent freezer burn.

  • Serve them as a starter, snack or even as an accompaniment to a main dish.



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