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Updated: Jul 19, 2023

Makes: 6-8

Prep Time: 15 mins

Cook time: 1 hr plus resting

Things you need:

  • 3 egg whites

  • 150g Fine sugar (Caster, Berry)

  • 1 Tsp Cornstarch (3g)

  • 1 Tsp White wine vinegar (3g)


  • Preheat the oven to 275F.

  • Put egg whites into a clean stand mixer bowl. Start the machine on low for 2-4 mins then increase to medium speed.

  • Once semi firm peaks are forming add sugar in 4 stages. Scrape down the sides once. Increase the machine to high speed once all sugar has been incorporated.

  • Check to see if sugar is all incorporated by rubbing some meringue between your fingers. Meringue should be glossy and firm.

  • Either make one big meringue or put dollops onto a baking sheet lined with parchment. Make an indent into each one with the back of a spoon.

  • Put meringues into a preheated oven and then immediately turn down to 250F. After 1 hr turn off the oven and leave the meringues inside for 2-3 hours.

  • Peel off the baking sheet and store in an airtight container for a week.


  • Make one big one or smaller ones.

  • Stores in an airtight container for 1 week.

  • Don’t open the oven door until after 3 hrs. This helps them not crack.



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