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Festive Pumpkin Cheesecake with Rum Caramel & Chantilly Cream

Makes: 1 Large Cheesecake

Prep Time: 30 min + overnight chilling

Cook time: 40 mins

Things you need:


  • 680g Cream Cheese (Philly) Softened to room temp.

  • 150g Brown Sugar

  • 100g White Sugar

  • 80g Greek Yoghurt

  • 1.5 Tsp Vanilla essence

  • 250g Pumpkin Puree

  • 3 Large eggs at room temperature. Whisked

Oat Ginger Biscuit base

  • 300g Rolled oats ground up into small bits

  • 50g All purpose flour

  • 1 Tsp Salt

  • 225g Softened unsalted butter

  • 65g Coconut sugar

  • 35g Brown sugar

  • 1 Tbsp Ground cinnamon

  • 1 Tbsp Ground ginger

  • 3 Tbsp melted unsalted butter

Pumpkin Puree

  • 1 Kabocha squash. Cut in half and deseeded

Rum Caramel Sauce

  • 240g White Sugar

  • 80g Water

  • 50g Unsalted butter

  • 120ml Heavy cream

  • 2 Tbsp Rum

Chantilly Cream

  • 250ml Heavy cream

  • 2 Tbsp Powdered sugar

  • 1 Tsp vanilla paste or 1 vanilla pod seeds scraped


  • Pour this into your lined cheesecake mould. If there is to much filling than crust then don’t overfill the cheesecake. Just bake it off separately and eat it or freeze it for sundaes. Smooth out top of cheesecake and bake on a tray for 40 mins at 350F. As per video. Turn off the oven and leave the door open like in the video so the cheesecake can cool to room temperature. This will prevent it from cracking, Once cooled to room temp then cover and refrigerate overnight. Watch out for condensation dripping onto your cheesecake overnight (can use soft tissue to mop it up if this happens). This is why it’s important for it to be totally cool before it goes into the fridge.

  • Next make the oat ginger base. Combine the oats, flour, salt, sugar and spices in a food processor and blitz until the oats are in small pieces. With motor running add melted butter. The mixture will come together and look like wet sand. Spread this into a grease 9 inch springform cake tin using a measuring cup to flatten it out. Get it as even as you can and also go up the sides of the tin as much as you can. Set in fridge for 20 mins.

  • Make cheesecake filling by whipping up the room temperature cream cheese and sugars in a stand mixture with a paddle until fluffy. 4 mins should do it. Scrape down the sides once or twice. Then add greek yoghurt, vanilla, pumpkin puree and mix through well. Then add beaten eggs in 3 amounts. Scrape down as you go to make sure you have a smooth and well mixed batter. Don’t over work it.

  • Pour this into your lined cheesecake mould. If there is to much filling than crust then don’t overfill the cheesecake. Just bake off the excess separately and eat it or freeze it for sundaes. Smooth out top of cheesecake and bake on a tray for 40 mins at 350F. As per video. Turn off the oven and leave the door open like in the video so the cheesecake can cool to room temperature. This will prevent it from cracking, Once cooled to room temp then cover and refrigerate overnight. Watch out for condensation dripping onto your cheesecake overnight (can use soft tissue to mop it up if this happens). This is why it’s important for it to be totally cool before it goes into the fridge.

  • Make caramel as per video. Go easy on the rum if your not used to that taste.

  • Make Chantilly as per video.

  • Next day portion cheesecake as per video and serves with caramel and cream enjoy.


  • Try different alcohol’s in the caramel like bourbon, whisky etc or leave it out if you don’t like the taste.

  • Prep a lot the day before.

  • The caramel keeps for months in the fridge in a sealed jar. To warm it up just take out what you need and give it 10-20 seconds in a microwave to make it liquid and pourable.



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