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Caramelized White Chocolate Creme Patissiere (pastry cream)

Makes: 500 ml

Prep Time: 1 hr

Cook time: 10 mins

Things you need:

Caramelized White Chocolate

  • 200g White Chocolate (callebaut couverture works)

Creme Patissiere

  • 300 ml Full Fat Milk

  • 200 ml Heavy Cream (double)

  • 4 Large egg yolks

  • 50g Berry sugar (caster)

  • 40g Cornstarch (cornflour)

  • 120g Caramelized white chocolate

  • 1 vanilla pod


  • Cut the white chocolate into pieces and put onto a baking sheet lined with a silpat. Cook in a preheated oven set to 250F for 40-50 mins stirring with a spatula every 10-15 mins or so (refer to the video) once the amber colour is reached scrape it into a container lined with parchment paper. Let chocolate set. From this batch you need 120g broken into small pieces. Eat the rest.

  • Whisk your egg yolks in a bowl with sugar until pale and incorporated. Then whisk in your cornstarch until it's all incorporated. Set aside.

  • In a deep saucepan add the milk and heavy cream. Scrape out the seeds from the vanilla pod and add them to the pan with the pods.

  • Cook over a medium low heat until the milk and cream boils at the edges.

  • Pour this over your egg mixture and mix through with a spatula. Then add this back into the pan. Whisk over a medium to low heat. This will thicken up quickly. Whisk for a min once it's thick on a low heat to cook out the cornstarch.

  • Once cooked pour this over your 120g of caramelized white chocolate. Whisk through to incorporate it all. A spatula helps here.

  • Turn off the heat and pass the creme patissiere through a sieve if you want (optional)

  • Put some cling film over the top and store in your fridge. Use to stuff your desserts aka donuts, eclairs, cakes.


  • Swap out the chocolate for fruit purees. Depending what's in season



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