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Butternut Squash Risotto

Makes: 2-3 Portions

Prep Time: 10 min

Cook time: 30 mins

Things you need:


  • 240g Risotto Rice (Carnaroli)

  • 1 Onion (115g) finely diced

  • 1.5 L Vegetable Stock (can use chicken)

  • 80 ml Dry White Wine

  • 30g Butter Unsalted

  • 100g Butternut Squash Puree

  • Season to taste

Mantecatura (act of mixing to make it creamy)

  • 30g Cold Unsalted Butter

  • 45g Grated Parmesan


  • Saute onion in butter for 1-3 mins. No colour.

  • Add rice cook for 1 minute to coat in butter. Add white wine. Cook off until almost all gone.

  • Add stock ladle by ladle. Don’t flood the rice. Take your time and be patient. Cook on a low to medium heat and wait for stock to almost be absorbed until next ladle is added. Keep going until rice is al dente. This can be anywhere from 12-18 mins depending on your rice, heat in the pan etc (you might not need all the stock)

  • At this stage add your squash puree. Mix through and your ready for the Mantecatura stage. Turn the heat off or on very low. Add the parmesan cheese and whisk it in. You want to mix this in vigorously then add the cold butter bit by bit. This is the stage that gives your Risotto a beautiful creamy texture. The soul of the Risotto is made here.

  • Check seasoning and garnish how you like. Pumpkin seed, dressed arugula and shavings of aged parmesan are a good start.


  • Mix up the stocks, purees and garnish to make all kinds of wonderful Risotto’s.



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