Makes: 7
Prep Time: 20 mins plus proofing
Cook time: 15-18 min
Things you need:
60ml whole milk
20g all purpose flour
25 ml water
130g whole milk lukewarm 105F
9g active dry yeast
30g sugar
340g all purpose flour
7g salt
45g unsalted butter
1 large egg
1 egg yolk
Egg wash
1 Tbs melted butter
Sesame or nigella seed (optional)
Make Tangzhong as per video instructions set aside to cool
Bloom yeast with lukewarm milk set aside 5-10 mins
Combine flour, sugar and salt. Mix through. Add bloomed yeast and milk mixture. Mix 1 min on slow to medium.
Add the Tangzhong mix for 1 mins. Then add eggs, mix for 1 more min.
Add the butter in stages. Wait until one piece is incorporated until adding more butter. Once all butter is mixed through, turn up speed to medium high and mix for 5-10 mins until dough is smooth and elastic.
Roll into a ball. Put into a greased bowl and cover. Proof for 1-2 hours or until doubled in size.
Degas and portion into 100g balls. Space part on a lined baking sheet. Cover and proof again for 1 hour.
These freeze well. Wrap in cling film tightly. Put them into a freezer until frozen then add to a freezer bag.
Mix up toppings if you want, sesame etc.