Makes: 4 Liters
Prep Time: 15 mins
Cook time: 10-12 hrs
Things you need:
3.5-4 kg beef bones, preferably cut up into smaller pieces
2 medium onions, chopped
1 leek, white part, washed and chopped
3 carrots peeled and chopped
4 celery stalks, washed and chopped
6 cloves garlic cut in half, skin on
4 bay leaves
Half bunch fresh thyme sprigs
1 teaspoon black peppercorns
1 teaspoon coriander seed
Preheat the oven to 425 F. Place beef into an oven tray with a rack fitted so the fat can drip down. Roast for 40-60 mins until browned. Afterwards add bones to stockpot and cover cold water. 2 inches below the top of the stockpot should do it. Bring up to boil and skim any fat and scum that comes up to the surface. Set to simmer.
Put the rest of the ingredients into the oven tray (take out the rack first) and mix this through all the beef fat. Then put the tray into the oven for 30-50 mins. Stir from time to time, until browned. Do not blacken them.
After this, take out the tray and add the contents to the stockpot. You can also add some water to the tray to scrape off any sediments on the bottom and add this to the stockpot. This is all Flavour!!
Turn heat to low simmer for 10-12 hours. Skim from time to time.
After it’s simmered, pass through a kitchen towel lined sieve into a container and refrigerate.
When the stock has cooled in the fridge, a layer of fat might rise to the surface. Scrape that off and you can reserve it for roasting vegetables another time.
The stock keeps in the fridge for 5 days or up to 5 months in the Freezer.
It’s best to divide your stock into 500 ml portions for later use. You can freeze these until needed.
Don’t let your stock run dry when reducing. If your heat can’t get that low on your stovetop, then top up water as needed from time to time.
You can reduce these stocks as needed to intensify the flavor.